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Create || Organize ||Document

How to Document your Python Program with STREMECODER

Documentation is built into every level of STREMECODER. We provide built-in templates so documentation can be standardized as much as possible, and we make it easy to find the information you need within your program so you can understand your decision-making process while building it.


Document your program as you go by describing each node in your flow.

Write descriptive node names so they are easy to understand.


Mention what problem the node is supposed to solve or what function it performs.


If you have a GitHub page for the node source, you can add it for future reference.

Use our templates to save all the relevant information about your program as you are building it.

Nodes can be fully documented with online media sources from your GitHub pages or other sources.


Node descriptions can contain any media content, including YouTube videos, you would like to use to convey how to use your node.


STREMECODER comes with a stock template to guide you through the normal process of documenting your node for future users..


Use a Koi Diagram (Node Diagram) to present and deliver your documentation to other people in your team, your code quality control review, or anyone else you think needs to have a clear idea of how your code works and what it does.


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